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Our mission is to foster literacy & learning among all Hedrick Hornets.

"Books are a uniquely portable magic."  -Stephen King

Media Center Technician -    Phone - 541-842-1576
Media Center Office - Phone - 541-842-1577



Red button image with black text reading "Catalog Search."
Red button image with black text reading "SORA: Online Reading."


Red button image with black text reading "OBOB - Battle of the Books."
Red button image with black text reading "Canvas Site."



World Book Online -

Career Information Systems -

Hedrick Library Services

The Hedrick Media Center opens at 8:00 AM and closes at 4:00 PM. During open hours, students are welcome in the library before and after school. We are also open for most lunches. 

We have an extensive & varied library collection, and love to help students find just the right book for them! We can also help with research and school projects.

Our expectation in the library is to speak with respect, courtesy, and kindness. Happy reading Hornets! 


Chromebook Fine Policy 

Students may be charged for lost or intentionally damaged Chromebooks and chargers. For the first lost or damaged devices, the fee may be $100 for a Chromebook, and $10 for a charger. If students lose or damage another device, the fees may be up to the full replacement cost of up to $350 for a Chromebook and $25 for a charger. 

Replacements are issued in the library; fines are assessed through the Administration team. For questions regarding fine amounts, please contact the Main Office. 

Find more Chromebook information Here!